Step-By-Step Learning Of Holding Pencil
Gripping a pencil properly allows a toddler to keep his or her wrist steady and doing small finger movements while moving the pen tip to do long, short, straight or curvy lines.
Most of the toddlers adopt a good tripod grip, but there are a huge number of kids who adopt some other griping postures. Trying to change a functional adapted griping methods may make the situation difficult for the kid.
So, What we are going to do, is, we will go through a Step-By-Step process.Starting from Sand-writing to holding a soft crayon then gripping a bold pen & at the last its pencil. The crayon or the pen even the pencil is held in the palm and the pencil stick should be out in between the THUMB & forefinger.The FOREARM has to be twisted downwards and the WRIST must be held straight. This is what we called a PALMAR GRIP.